Install a new Python package


  • the file

Next, we’re going to install a new package, Django Axes, into the project (Django Axes keeps track of log-in attempts).

Maybe you are used to using pip to install Python packages into your environment. You can try it - launch a bash shell in a container as you did previously, and run

pip install django-axes==3.0.3

It will work - but what do you think will happen after you exit the container and launch it again? Will django-axes still be there? You can check with:

docker-compose run web pip list

As you will realise, pip installation (just like other operations on the environment) doesn’t survive the statelessness of Docker containers.

Build the pip installation into your Docker image

You have already used the RUN command in the Dockerfile, so you could do the same again, adding:

RUN pip install django-axes==3.0.3

However, this is a bit crude and won’t look very nice when we have to add many packages. In fact, there are already some lines in the Dockerfile that take care of pip installation for you:

ENV PIP_INDEX_URL=${PIP_INDEX_URL:-${WHEELS_PLATFORM:-aldryn-baseproject-py3}/+simple/} \
COPY requirements.* /app/
COPY addons-dev /app/addons-dev/
RUN pip-reqs compile && \
    pip-reqs resolve && \
    pip install \
        --no-index --no-deps \
        --requirement requirements.urls

These lines process the file, in which you will already find some packages listed. Add:


right at the end of the file. Now you will need to rebuild the project because you have made a change. Run:

docker-compose build

Now the image for the project contains the new requirement - this time you will see it if you run:

docker-compose run web pip list

because (like the WebP support in the previous step) you have baked it into the image, and it will be available in any environment created from that image, from now on.

Configure the Django application for django-axes

The only configuration required for Django Axes is to add it to the INSTALLED_APPS in This project uses Divio’s optional Django project with auto-configured settings, so the way to do it is with:

# all django settings can be altered here


You will need to run migrations:

docker-compose run web python migrate

And here’s Django Axes in the admin, which you will see if you start the project up again (docker-compose up):

'Django Axes in the admin'